Game rules: Christmas Wishlist* 2024.
Draw game with purchase required.
*wish list
Article 1: Organizing company
The company MARMAX, a simplified joint stock company, with capital of 9,803 euros, whose head office is located at 114 avenue Crampel, 31400 Toulouse, registered in the Toulouse trade and companies register under number 833453442, is organizing a game with obligation to purchase.
Article 2: Dates and duration
The competition called CHRISTMAS WISHLIST will run from December 1, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. to December 27, 2024 at 6:59 p.m. Registrations must take place during the period specified in the participation terms and conditions defined below.
Article 3: Participation
3.1. Conditions of participation:
Participation in this game with obligation to purchase is subject exclusively to these rules. The game is open to any natural person, of legal age, with the exception of MARMAX staff members. The Organizing Company may directly or indirectly carry out any necessary checks in order to control the quality of the participants.
Only one entry into the draw over the duration of the game is permitted. The game is valid on a selection of products while stocks last.
3.2. Terms of participation:
To be able to participate in the CHRISTMAS WISHLIST competition, the participant must have previously made a purchase (without a minimum amount) at one of the participating MAISON STELLA & SUZIE points of sale, namely Toulouse, Bordeaux, Aix-en-Provence, Lyon, Brussels, Lille and the Printemps Haussmann corner during the duration of the competition.
Participants in the game will not be able to obtain a refund for their items, only a credit and/or an exchange will be authorized (except for non-compliant items or those with hidden defects). Participation will be registered as soon as the participant has completed and deposited the participation form in a box provided at participating points of sale.
The customer's participation must include the following information:
• A copy of the receipt given by the sales team at the point of sale
• Indicate the three (3) favorite products they wish to win
• Name, first name, telephone number and email of the participant
• Have checked the box: “I have read and accept the rules of the game.”
Game participation fees will not be refunded.
Any incomplete, erroneous, illegible or late submission will not be taken into account. It is specified that it is not the responsibility of the Organizing Company to carry out additional research in order to find the identity of the participant, who will then not receive their winnings or any compensation or indemnity.
3.3. Participant’s commitments
Participation in the game implies a loyal attitude, meaning absolute respect for the rules and full acceptance of these rules of the competition. The participant agrees to communicate the mandatory information of article 3.2.
Article 4: Allocations
Each participant plays to try to win:
-Three (3) favorite products that he will have entered in his participation form, to be chosen from the collection available in store during the duration of the game, with a maximum value of nine hundred and fifteen (915) euros all taxes included.
Maxa and Uriel sheepskins are excluded. The prizes are nominative, non-exchangeable, non-transferable and non-refundable. No cash equivalent will be given for the prize. If the prize is no longer available (in whole or in part) for reasons beyond the control of the Organizing Company, a voucher of a value equal to the unavailable item listed in the participation form may be given.
Article 5: Designation of winners
Seven (7) winners, one per point of sale, will be drawn at random on December 27, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. from among the participants who meet the participation criteria established under these rules.
The Organizing Company reserves the right to verify the accuracy of the information given during registration before informing and awarding the prize to the winner.
The winners will be informed within three (3) days of their draw either by email, telephone or text message. The Organizing Company will not be responsible in any way if the contact details do not match those of the winner, are incorrect or if the winner remains unavailable. The winner who cannot be reached or who does not respond within seven working days following the attempt at contact by the Organizing Company will not be able to claim any prize, compensation or indemnity of any kind whatsoever.
If the lot cannot be returned within the aforementioned periods, the lot will be subject to a new allocation. The lot allocated is personal and non-transferable.
Prizes will be sent to the winners within ten (10) working days from confirmation of their contact details or delivered in person upon presentation at the point of sale.
Article 6: Protection of personal data
The personal data of the participants are collected for the purposes of participation in the Game described in these rules and will be kept for this purpose for the duration of the game. This information is intended for the Organizing Company acting as data controller. This information is mandatory to participate in the Game, as it is necessary to determine the winner(s) and to award and deliver the prizes. Consequently, persons who exercise the right to delete their data before the end of the Game are deemed to have waived their participation.
In application of European laws and the law of January 6, 1978 (relating to information technology, files and freedoms), you have the rights of access, rectification, limitation, portability and deletion of your personal data as well as the right to oppose their processing for legitimate reasons. You can exercise all of these rights by email to or by post to: MARMAX, 114 avenue crampel, 31400 Toulouse.
You also have the right to withdraw your consent at any time and to file a complaint with the National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties (CNIL), in particular on its website
Article 7: The regulation:
Participation in this game implies full and complete acceptance of these Rules (hereinafter the “Rules”).
The Organizing Company reserves the right to cancel, postpone, extend, shorten or modify this game in part or in full in the event of force majeure or exceptional circumstances. These rules may be modified at any time by the Organizing Company in the form of an amendment.
Cases not provided for in the rules will be decided by the organizers of the game and their decision will be final, French law being the only applicable law. Disputes will only be admissible within two weeks after the closing of the competition. The organizing company cannot be held responsible if, for reasons beyond its control (unforeseeable circumstances or force majeure as well as any other event making it impossible to run the competition under the conditions initially planned), the competition is partially or totally modified, postponed or canceled. A copy of the rules can be obtained free of charge by written request to Marmax via the email address
Article 8: Applicable law and disputes
This game and these Rules are subject to French law. Any dispute concerning the interpretation of the Rules and/or cases not provided for in these Rules will be subject to an amicable settlement. Failing this, it will be submitted to the French courts. The competent court will be that of the consumer's domicile.
Done in Toulouse, November 25, 2024
Concours de noel 2024 - Jeu concours gratuit sans obligation d’achat
Article 1 : Société organisatrice
La société MARMAX, Société par Actions Simplifiée, au capital de 9803 euros, dont le siège social est situé au 114 avenue Crampel, 31400 Toulouse, inscrite au registre du commerce et des sociétés de Toulouse sous le numéro 833453442, organise un jeu avec obligation d’achat.
Article 2 : Le Jeu et l’accès au Jeu
La participation au jeu est gratuite, sans obligation d’achat et implique l´acceptation sans réserve du présent règlement dans son intégralité, (ci-après « le Règlement »).
La participation au jeu est réservée aux abonnés Instagram.
Article 2 : Dates et durée
Le jeu concours dénommé Concours de noel 2024 se déroulera du 06 Décembre 2024 à 12h00 au 24 décembre 2024 à 12H00.
La Société Organisatrice se réserve le droit de reporter, de modifier, d'annuler ou de renouveler le présent jeu si les circonstances l'exigent. En tout état de cause, sa responsabilité ne saurait être engagée à ce titre.
Article 3 : Participation
3.1. Conditions de participation :
Le jeu est ouvert à toute personne physique majeure abonnée au compte Instagram @maisonstellaetsuzie.
Pour participer, les participants devront :
-suivre et être abonné(e) à @maisonstellaetsuzie,
-liker le post annonçant le jeu concours,
-mentionner une / ou plusieurs personnes en commentaire
-partager le post d’annonce du jeu concours en story.
Sont exclues de toute participation au jeu les personnes ayant participé directement ou indirectement à l'élaboration du jeu de même que les membres de leur famille (même nom, même adresse postale) et les salariés de la Société Organisatrice. Seront retenues les participations conformes à l’ensemble des stipulations du présent article. La Société Organisatrice se réserve par conséquent le droit de procéder à toutes vérifications qu’elle jugera utiles en ce qui concerne l’identité et l’adresse de chaque participant. A cet égard, toute indication portée qui serait incomplète, erronée, falsifiée ou qui ne permettrait pas d’identifier un participant ou ses coordonnées entraînera l’annulation de la participation en cause.Les frais de participation au jeu ne seront pas remboursés.
3.2. Engagements du participant
La participation au jeu implique une attitude loyale, signifiant le respect absolu des règles et l’entière acceptation des présentes règles du jeu concours. Le participant accepte de communiquer les informations obligatoires de l’article 3.1.
Article 4 : Dotations
Chaque participant joue pour tenter de gagner:
• un Iphone 16 de 128 GO de la marque Apple d’une valeur de 969,96 euros toutes taxes comprises
Le lot est nominatif, non échangeable, incessible et non remboursable. Aucune contre-valeur en numéraire ne sera remise au titre du lot.
Article 5 : Désignation des gagnants
Un tirage au sort effectué le 24 décembre 2024 à 12h, parmi les participants, déterminera le seul et unique gagnant du jeu.
La Société Organisatrice contactera le gagnant par message privé sur Instagram par le biais de la page
La Société Organisatrice publiera le gagnant sur la page Instagram via une story. En participant au Jeu, le gagnant consent à ce que son prénom et/ou son pseudonyme Instagram soit rendu public et soit affiché sur ladite page Instagram.
Article 6 : Remise du Lot
La Société Organisatrice contactera le gagnant par message privé sur Instagram par le biais de la page dans le délai de trois (3) jours ouvrés à compter de l’annonce de leur gain et recevra le lot dans le délai de sept (7) jours ouvrés à compter de la confirmation de ses coordonnées.
Si l´adresse électronique, l’adresse postale ou le numéro de téléphone sont incorrects ou si les coordonnées ne correspondent pas à celle du gagnant, ou si pour toutes autres raisons liées à des problèmes techniques ne permettant pas d´acheminer correctement l’information du gain, la société Organisatrice ne saurait en aucun cas être tenu pour responsable. De même, il n´appartient pas à la société Organisatrice de faire des recherches de coordonnées de gagnant ne pouvant être joint en raison d´une adresse électronique invalide ou illisible, ou d´une adresse postale erronée ou d’un numéro de téléphone non valide.
Le lot attribué est personnel et non transmissible.
Si le gagnant venait à refuser le lot, aucune compensation ne pourra être demandée. En effet, le lot ne peut en aucun cas faire l´objet d´une quelconque contestation de la part du gagnant, ni d´un échange ou de toute autre contrepartie de quelque nature que ce soit.
Le lot attribué est personnel et non transmissible.
A défaut de pouvoir remettre le lot dans les périodes pré-citées, le lot fera l’objet d’une nouvelle attribution via un nouveau tirage au sort.
Article 7 : Responsabilité
Le participant reconnaît et accepte que la seule obligation de la Société Organistarice au titre du jeu est de soumettre au tirage les participations recueillies, sous réserve que sa participation soit conforme aux termes et conditions du Règlement, et remettre le lot au gagnant, selon les critères et modalités définis dans le présent Règlement.
La Société Organisatrice ne saurait être tenue responsable, sans que cette liste soit limitative de tout dysfonctionnement empêchant le bon déroulement du Jeu notamment dû à des actes de malveillances externes. La Société Organisatrice ne saurait davantage être tenue responsable du fait de tout défaut technique ou de tout problème.
La Société Organisatrice pourra annuler ou suspendre tout ou partie du jeu s'il apparaît que des fraudes sont intervenues sous quelque forme que ce soit dans le cadre de la participation au Jeu. Elle se réserve, dans cette hypothèse, le droit de ne pas attribuer la dotation aux fraudeurs et/ou de poursuivre devant les juridictions compétentes les auteurs de ces fraudes.
Article 8 : Protection des données personnelles
Les données personnelles des participants sont collectées aux fins de la participation au jeu décrite dans le présent règlement et seront conservées pour cette finalité pendant la durée du jeu. Ces informations sont destinées à la Société Organisatrice agissant en tant que responsable de traitement.
Ces informations sont obligatoires pour participer au Jeu, car nécessaires à la détermination du/des gagnant(s) et à l'attribution et l'acheminement des dotations. Par conséquent, les personnes qui exerceront le droit de suppression des données les concernant avant la fin du Jeu sont réputées renoncer à leur participation.
En application des lois européennes et de la loi du 6 janvier 1978 (relative à l’informatique, aux fichiers et aux libertés), vous disposez des droits d'accès, de rectification, de limitation, de portabilité et de suppression de vos données personnelles ainsi que du droit d'opposition à leur traitement pour des motifs légitimes. Vous pouvez exercer l’ensemble de ces droits par email à l’adresse ou courrier postal adressé à : MARMAX, 114 avenue crampel, 31400 Toulouse.
Vous disposez par ailleurs, des droits de retirer à tout moment vos consentements et d’introduire une réclamation auprès de la Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL), notamment sur son site internet
Article 9 : Le règlement :
La participation à ce jeu implique l’acceptation pleine et entière du présent Règlement (ci-après le « Règlement »).
La Société Organisatrice se réserve le droit d’annuler, de reporter, de prolonger, d’écourter ou de modifier partiellement ou en totalité le présent jeu en cas de force majeure ou en cas de circonstances exceptionnelles. Le présent règlement peut être modifié à tout moment par la Société Organisatrice sous la forme d’un avenant.
Les cas non prévus dans le Règlement seront tranchés par les organisateurs du jeu et leur décision sera sans appel, la loi française étant seule applicable. Les contestations ne seront recevables que dans un délai de deux semaines après la clôture du jeu-concours. La Société Organisatrice ne saurait être responsable si, pour des raisons indépendantes de sa volonté (cas fortuit ou force majeure ainsi que tout autre événement rendant impossible l’exécution du jeu concours dans les conditions initialement prévues), le jeu concours était partiellement ou totalement modifié, reporté ou annulé. Une copie du règlement peut être obtenue gratuitement par demande écrite à Marmax via l’adresse email
Article 10 : Droit applicable et litiges
Ce jeu et le présent Règlement sont soumis au droit français.
Tout litige concernant l’interprétation du Règlement et/ou les cas non prévus par le présent Règlement fera l’objet d’un règlement amiable.
A défaut, il sera soumis aux juridictions françaises. Le tribunal compétent sera celui du domicile du consommateur.
Fait à Toulouse, le 04 Décembre 2024
“1 year of Stella” competition
Game rules: 1 year of Stella
Free competition with no obligation to purchase.
Article 1: Organizing company
The company MARMAX, a simplified joint stock company, with capital of 9,803 euros, whose head office is located at 114 avenue Crampel, 31400 Toulouse, registered in the Toulouse trade and companies register under number 833453442, is organizing a game with obligation to purchase.
Article 2: The Game and access to the Game
Participation in the Game is free, without obligation to purchase and implies unreserved acceptance of these rules in their entirety (hereinafter “the Rules”).
Participation in the Game is reserved for Instagram subscribers.
Article 2: Dates and duration
The competition called 1 YEAR OF STELLA will take place from November 30, 2024 at 9:35 a.m. to December 2, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.
The Organizing Company reserves the right to postpone, modify, cancel or renew this Game if circumstances so require. In any event, its liability may not be incurred in this regard.
Article 3: Participation
3.1. Conditions of participation:
The game is open to any adult natural person subscribed to the Instagram account @maisonstellaetsuzie.
To participate, participants must:
-follow and subscribe to @maisonstellaetsuzie,
-like the post announcing the competition,
-mention one or more people in the comments
-share the contest announcement post in your story.
Persons who have participated directly or indirectly in the development of the game, as well as members of their family (same name, same postal address) and employees of the Organizing Company are excluded from any participation in the game. Participations that comply with all the provisions of this article will be accepted. The Organizing Company therefore reserves the right to carry out any checks it deems necessary with regard to the identity and address of each participant. In this regard, any information provided that is incomplete, erroneous, falsified or that does not allow a participant or their contact details to be identified will result in the cancellation of the participation in question. The participation fees for the game will not be refunded.
3.2. Participant’s commitments
Participation in the game implies a loyal attitude, meaning absolute respect for the rules and full acceptance of these rules of the competition. The participant agrees to communicate the mandatory information of article 3.1.
Article 4: Allocations
Each participant plays to try to win:
• a voucher of 1800 euros including all taxes, to be used exclusively on the website or on the Maison Stella & Suzie application, valid for twelve (12) months from its date of issue
• The prize is nominative, non-exchangeable, non-transferable and non-refundable. No cash equivalent will be given for the prize and the voucher will be lost if it is not used before the end of its validity period.
Article 5: Designation of winners
A draw will be held on December 2, 2024 at 5 p.m. among the participants and will determine the one and only winner of the game.
The Organizing Company will contact the winner by private message on Instagram via the page
The Organizing Company will publish the winner on the Instagram page via a story. By participating in the Game, the winner consents to his/her first name and/or Instagram pseudonym being made public and being displayed on said Instagram page.
Article 6: Delivery of the Lot
The Organizing Company will contact the winner by private message on Instagram via the page within three (3) working days of the announcement of their win and will receive the voucher within seven (7) working days of confirmation of their contact details.
If the email address, postal address or telephone number are incorrect or if the contact details do not match those of the winner, or if for any other reason related to technical problems preventing the correct delivery of the prize information, the Organizing Company may not be held responsible under any circumstances. Similarly, it is not the Organizing Company's responsibility to search for the contact details of a winner who cannot be reached due to an invalid or illegible email address, or an incorrect postal address or an invalid telephone number.
The lot awarded is personal and non-transferable.
If the Winner were to refuse the Prize, no compensation may be requested. Indeed, the prize may not under any circumstances be the subject of any dispute on the part of the Winner, nor of an exchange or any other consideration of any nature whatsoever.
The lot awarded is personal and non-transferable.
If the lot cannot be delivered within the aforementioned periods, the lot will be subject to a new allocation via a new draw.
Article 7: Liability
The participant acknowledges and accepts that the sole obligation of the Organizing Company under the game is to submit the collected entries to the draw, provided that their entry complies with the terms and conditions of the Rules, and to award the prize to the winner, according to the criteria and terms defined in these Rules.
The Organizing Company shall not be held liable, without this list being exhaustive, for any malfunction preventing the smooth running of the Game, in particular due to external malicious acts. The Organizing Company shall not be held liable for any technical defect or problem.
The Organizing Company may cancel or suspend all or part of the game if it appears that fraud has occurred in any form whatsoever in the context of participation in the Game. In this case, it reserves the right not to award prizes to fraudsters and/or to prosecute the perpetrators of such fraud before the competent courts.
Article 8: Protection of personal data
The personal data of participants is collected for the purposes of participation in the game described in these rules and will be kept for this purpose for the duration of the game. This information is intended for the Organizing Company acting as data controller.
This information is mandatory to participate in the Game, as it is necessary to determine the winner(s) and to award and deliver the prizes. Consequently, persons who exercise the right to delete their data before the end of the Game are deemed to have waived their participation.
In application of European laws and the law of January 6, 1978 (relating to information technology, files and freedoms), you have the rights of access, rectification, limitation, portability and deletion of your personal data as well as the right to oppose their processing for legitimate reasons. You can exercise all of these rights by email to or by post to: MARMAX, 114 avenue crampel, 31400 Toulouse.
You also have the right to withdraw your consent at any time and to file a complaint with the National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties (CNIL), in particular on its website
Article 9: The regulation:
Participation in this game implies full and complete acceptance of these Rules (hereinafter the “Rules”).
The Organizing Company reserves the right to cancel, postpone, extend, shorten or modify this game in part or in full in the event of force majeure or exceptional circumstances. These rules may be modified at any time by the Organizing Company in the form of an amendment.
Cases not provided for in the Rules will be decided by the organizers of the game and their decision will be final, French law being the only applicable law. Disputes will only be admissible within two weeks after the closing of the competition. The Organizing Company cannot be held responsible if, for reasons beyond its control (unforeseeable circumstances or force majeure as well as any other event making it impossible to run the competition under the conditions initially planned), the competition is partially or totally modified, postponed or canceled. A copy of the rules can be obtained free of charge by written request to Marmax via the email address
Article 10: Applicable law and disputes
This game and these Rules are subject to French law.
Any dispute concerning the interpretation of the Regulations and/or cases not provided for by these Regulations will be subject to amicable settlement.
Failing this, it will be subject to the French courts. The competent court will be that of the consumer's domicile.
Done in Toulouse, November 25, 2024